Before they knew it, Chris and Chace had another birthday. For some reason, though, the excitement got to Chace just a little bit too much....

Jacked looked at his son who was plotting ways to high-tail it out of the room to hide in embarrassment from the fact that he was so excited to finally be a teenager like big sis Pearl that he wet himself. Jack stared intently, shocked by the sight, wondering if he really had a teenage son with apparent bladder problems. Chris saw how freaked out Chace already was so he wasn't very pleased with the way Jack was dressing Chace down with his eyes.

Chace made a mad dash for the shower and Jack headed off to check on Jeremy. Chris decided to surprise his family by charring some waffles for breakfast for them.

After eating, he went back to his bedroom and got dressed. Chace laughed when he saw that his brother was wearing the same shirt that their babysitter had when they were kids.

Chace picked out a similarly styled shirt and a pair of shorts then went to move the play table from his and Chace's bedroom to Jeremy's. He certainly wouldn't be using it anymore.

One day after she got home from her after-school job, Pearl invited Karim over to visit. She was shocked when she saw how he had seemed to grow up overnight. He said that he was too old to "play house" with her anymore. She felt hurt and confused and told him she thought he really liked her. He said he had, and still did but with their age difference things had to be different now. Secretly what he hadn't told her, however, was the fact that he was using that as an excuse to back off from their relationship. She was starting to get much too serious than he was comfortable with. He saw his dad go from woman to woman and he wanted to be sure that if he ever really did get serious about someone she was really 'the one'.

Jack took some money he had been saving up as a safety net and built some new additions onto the house. The first thing he did was build a second bathroom onto the master bedroom. Then he expanded the living room so that there was enough space for a small study for the kids to do their homework more comfortably. He was pretty happy with how things were turning out for his family, though the rocky road that Pearl and Karim's relationship seemed to be on troubled him. He hated to see his little girl hurting and confused.

To get his mind off things, Jack took Jeremy outside and told him all about the importance of exercise.

He wanted to enjoy every last moment of his youngest's toddlerhood because later that day they had a private party planned for the little lad.

Chace really didn't want to be around all the commotion so he sat outside and did his homework....in the middle of the street!

When Jack saw him, he went outside to lecture him about it. Sometimes he thought that Chace just didn't seem comfortable in his own skin. Chace told his dad that he was too exhausted to figure out what the heck that meant.

The inevitable day came when Chris started to become interested in girls. He brought one girl home from school with him and told her all about some flowers that he wanted to buy for her...once he got a job to pay for them that is. Ruby eavesdropped, silently cheering her son on. Chace brought a girl home from school, too, but he really didn't seem interested in chatting her up.

Pearl came went home from the community pool one day, still clad in her bathing suit for reasons only she could fathom, when she saw her parents being particularly lovey-dovey. It made her feel uncomfortable as she thought about how things were fizzling quickly with Karim.

She had a fleeting thought about drowning herself in the bathtub, but then thought about the mess it would leave.

Her birthday was just around the corner and thoughts of rekindling things with Karim lifted her spirits. She invited him over to celebrate with her family. Jeremy stood between Karim and Pearl, wanting to protect his big sissy.

She quickly scarfed down a piece of her cake and met Karim privately behind the house to try and rekindle the flame.

She didn't realize, however, that Chris and Jeremy could see through walls.

Karim said if they did get back together, he didn't want to have to hide things from her family so they headed back inside.

When things really started to heat up, Jeremy had mixed emotions over it. Clearly he could tell that his sister was happy, but he also felt very protective of her. He planned to nail Karim to a tree if he ever heart Pearl again.

Karim easily seduced his way into Pearl's new big double bed.

Jack was too busy with other things to notice the goings on between Karim and Pearl or he definitely would have put a stop to it. They weren't even married after all!

The next morning, Ruby got some of Chris's charred waffle leftovers from the fridge just as Pearl got down on one knee and proposed to Karim.

Karim said he was shocked by her sudden proposal. They just got back together after all. He wasn't really sure what to tell her without hurting her.

Pearl was determined to not lose Karim this time so she asked him again, going on about how deeply in love she had been with him all along. Karim felt his heart fluttering. He did love her...perhaps he should take the chance that his father never had the guts to take.

He said yes! Pearl knew better than to put things off. She immediately had a private wedding ceremony.

Pearl reassured him of her love for him as he got a slightly sick look on his face after the shock of what just happened hit him.

Chace tried again to show an interest in the dating scene himself. He did find the girl interesting, but he just didn't have any romantic feelings towards her.

Eagerly anticipating the expansion of his family now that his eldest daughter was married and still living at home, Jack sunk more of the family savings into the house. The first thing he did was to put in a small pool in the backyard by the playground. Then he expanded the study, making it into a separate room.

Chace and Chris's room became a second master bedroom for Karim and Pearl, and the hallway wrapped around a third bathroom and the study to meet two new bedrooms. A new nursery and playroom were also built in anticipation of grandchildren.

They were having a private family party to break in the new home when the trusted family stereo broke. Pearl said it was no problem, she'd fix the stereo in no time!

But Pearl was unlucky enough to realize that fixing the stereo could be a bit shocking at times....
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