Things were going pretty well for the Douglas family. Karim finished feeding Emily and sat down to dinner with his wife, son, and brother-in-law. He wasn't a big fan of salad, but since it wasn't flammable he was willing to eat it. He was much more of a meat and potatoes man, but after his earlier incident nearly burning the house down he was hesitant to try his hand at the stove again.

Emily just enjoyed the opportunity to play the "paint the high chair" game.

Karim sat Emily on the floor by the fridge, the place that would later become the favored spot for Douglas parents to teach their children. He had no idea how many others would follow his example through the generations by sitting down on the cold tiled floor and teaching his daughter to be a greedy gold digger like he he wanted to be before Pearl somehow managed to con him into marrying her.

Part of him wished that she would drown so that he would see her ghost, but he knew that really wouldn't fulfill his lifetime wish. She wasn't rich. Besides, he wasn't so sure he liked the idea his wife being incorporeal.

He was shocked when he found out that he was going to be a father again. Cody wasn't so sure he liked it either, especially if it was another pesky little sister like Emily!

Pearl also shared the responsibility of teaching Emily the basics. She certainly wanted to be sure that the little one heard about more than the typical financial matters her father lectured her about.

When the time came for Pearl to give birth, Jack loaded her into the car and rushed her to the hospital. He wanted his grandchild to be born in the safety and comfort of the hospital since at long last they had the extra funds to afford it.

Pearl brought the newest member of the Douglas clan home with her that night since things went so well. They named her Erin.

Karim took one look at her her little face and forgot all about the second thought he had been having about having another child.

With the house filling up with screaming stinky babies, Jeremy was very glad when his birthday finally came and he was old enough to move out.

He picked out clothes in his typical fashion, but got a rather daring haircut.

He couldn't help but glance back at himself in the mirror as he left the bathroom, a bit vain about his new looks.

Hearing someone at the door, he ran eagerly.

He was very happy to find his old high school friend, Chiquita Crosby. He always had a big crush on her, but was too timid to tell her about it. More mature now, he definitely planned to do something about that.

Jack took some time out to help his grandson, Cody, with his homework. With the new baby in the house he wanted to be sure that the lad knew he was not forgotten.

Chiquita was thrilled when Jeremy expressed his feelings for her. She said that she always felt that way about him as well, but tried to forget about it since he never seemed interested.

Before long, Erin was big enough to be chased all around the house rather than carried. She looked rather boyish, though. Everyone wondered if she would grow up to be a tomboy.

Jeremy still came over to visit quite often. He dropped by early one day and went for a swim before his nephew, Cody's birthday. Karim tried to squeeze past Jack and Ruby so that Emily could see him blow out the candles, but there was so much noise they couldn't hear his protests.

It wasn't long, though, before it was her turn to blow out some candles! She got her Gramma to play tag with her after the birthday festivities died down.

But apparently the excitement was too much for her old ticker. The entire family was devastated.

When Emily saw the Grim Reaper come, she took off running in terror, convinced that she really was to blame.
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